At Nakhchivan University  series of info days are held in different faculities of University. The aim of the info days is to give broad information  about the Student Ombudsman's Office, which will be established under the AESOP Erasmus Plus project. As a partner university Ombudsman Office will be established in 2018 according to the Warsaw model.

In the first day , Rector Ismail Aliyev addressed the students and highlited the importance of the project. and then the project coordinator Elmira Huseynova gave detailed information about the ombudsman office, her position at the university, the areas and activities of the ombudsman, student advocates.

Info days will be held in all faculties of the university .

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Babek str 1, Nakhchivan, Nakhchivan AR, Azerbaijan

+994 36 545 15 16

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