Anar Kazimov


Kazimov Anar Altay oglu was born on February 7, 1979 in the city of Nakhchivan. In 1995, he got admitted to the “Physics-Mathematics” faculty of Nakhchivan State University and graduated from the very faculty in 1999. In 1999-2001, he did master's degree at Nakhchivan State University and defended his master's thesis on “Differential Equations”. In 2002-2003, he completed his military service in the dislocated military unit No. N of the Internal Troops of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the city of Nakhchivan. In 2003-2007, he did doctoral studies at Nakhchivan State University. In 2001-2014, he worked as the head teacher of the “Mathematical Analysis” department of Nakhchivan State University, and as the vice-dean of the “Mathematics and Physics” faculty from 2009 to 2010. In 2010-2013, he worked as the vice-rector for Scientific Management at Nakhchivan State University, and in 2013-2014, he worked as the vice-rector for International Relations. Starting from 2015, he worked as an associate professor of the “International Economy (English)” department of UNEC. In 2015-2016, he worked as the deputy head of the Department of International Relations of the Azerbaijan State Institute of Economics, and in 2016-2017, he worked as the head of the same department. At the same time, in 2017-2019, he served as the head of the science sector of the Science Department, Higher and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan at UNEC.

Anar Kazimov participated in many international projects - Nakhchivan State University “Implementation of the role of universities engaged in entrepreneurial activity” TEMPUS project, “Development of tourism in suburban areas” project with the Austrian “Getting and Keeping” organization, in the project “Building an electronic education system and digital multimedia infrastructure for Nakhchivan State University” realized with KOICA International Agency of South Korea, in the project “Strengthening the personnel potential for state investments”, which is a joint project of the Government of Azerbaijan and the World Bank, as well as “EE-KEY-AZ: Entrepreneurship Education: A Key to Job Creation and Employability in Azerbaijan” jointly prepared by Azerbaijan State University of Economics and Germany's Siegen University, “Role of Higher Education in Innovations” project jointly with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the World Bank, he also worked as a local coordinator in the Erasmus+ project “Improving doctoral education in Azerbaijan and structuring it in accordance with the requirements of the Single European Higher Education Area (NIZAMI)” implemented jointly by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan with Montpellier University of France, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan State University of Economics and other higher educational institutions, and is the author of more than 30 scientific articles.

Since February 2, 2023, he has been acting as the rector of “Nakhchivan” University. He is fluent in English, French and Russian. He is married and has two children.



  1. A.Aliyev. A.Kazımov.”On behavior of solutions of Cauchy problem for one class Sobolev type equations”. Poceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan, v.XXII, 2006;
  2. A. Kazimov. “Lp-Lq type of evalutions for one class Sobolev type equations”. Nakhhivan state University, News, No.2 (20), Nakhchivan, 2006;
  3. A.Aliyev. A.Kazımov. “The asymptotic behavior of weak solution of Cauchy problem for a class Sobolev type semilinear equation”. Transactions of NAS ofAzerbaijan, v. XXVI, No 4, 2006;
  4. А. Алиев. А. Казимов. ”Глобальная разрешиость задачи Коши для oдного класса кваилнейных псевдогиберболических cлабдиссипативаных гранений четвертого порядка”. Материалы Третей Международной научной конференции “Фунуцональнодифференциальные уравнения и их приложения” 24-27 cентября, 2007, Махачкала;
  5. A.Aliyev. A.Kazımov. Global weak solutions of Cauchy problem for semiliner Pseido-hyperbolic equations. Differential equations, 2009, Vol. 45, No 2, Pleids Publishig, Ltd;
  6. А. Казимов. У. Маммадова”Смешанная задача для нелинейных волновых уравнений с инегралным граничным условием” Nakhchivan State university, Physico-mathematical and technological sciences series of “Scientific works” Nakhchivan, 2011;
  7. Akbar B.Aliyev, Anar A.Kazimov. Existence, non-existence and asyptotic behavior of global solutions to the Cauchy problem for systems of semilinear hyperbolic equations with damping terms. Nonlinear analysis. Elsevier. Volume 75.Number 1,2012. pp 91-102;
  8. Akbar B.Aliev, Anar A.Kazimov and Vusala F.Guliyeva. “Global existence and non-existence results for a class of semilinear hyperbolic systems” Mathematical methods in applied sciences. Wiley Online Library. John Wiley and Sons, LTD, 2012;
  9. А. Б. Алиев, А. А. Казимов “Глобальная разрешимость задачи коши для полулинейных гиперболических уравнений с диссипацией и анизотропной эллиптической частью”, Доклады Академии Наук, 2013, том 448, № 3, с. 255–257;
  10. A. B. Aliev and A. A. Kazimov “ The existence and nonexistence of global solutions Of the Cauchy problem for Klein–Gordon systems” ISSN 1064_5624, Doklady Mathematics, 2014, Vol. 90, No. 3, pp. 1–3. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014.

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