Lala Allahverdiyeva

Dean of the Pedagogical faculty
Lala Zahir gizi Allahverdiyeva was born in Julfa district of Nakhchivan AR in 1981. In 1987-1998, she studied at secondary school number 7 named after E. Sultanov, Nakhchivan city. In 1999-2003, Lala Allahverdiyeva received higher education at Nakhchivan Private University majoring in "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education", and in 2003-2005 she received a master's degree in "Theory and History of Pedagogy" at the graduate department of Nakhchivan State University.
In 2005, she started working as a laboratory assistant at the "Languages and Literature" department of the Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute. In 2006, she worked as a teacher at the "Pedagogy and Psychology" department of the Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, and since 2007, she has worked as a full-time teacher.
In 2006-2014, she was a doctoral student at Nakhchivan State University and defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Scientific-pedagogical basis of using Heydar Aliyev's heritage in the formation of the idea belief of primary school students". By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 19, 2014, Lala Zahir gizi Allahverdiyeva was awarded the scientific degree of doctor of philosophy in pedagogy.
By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 22, 2019, she was given the scientific title of associate professor at the department of pedagogy and psychology.
Since September 2020, she has been working as a teacher at the "Pedagogy and Psychology" department of "Nakhchivan" University.
By the decision of the Scientific Council of Nakhchivan State University dated April 30, 2021, a doctoral student was admitted to the Doctor of Science program 5803.01 - "Teacher training and activity" and is working on a doctoral dissertation entitled "The system of work on the formation of general cultural and professional competencies of future teachers at the master's level" .
She is the author of 1 monograph, 1 textbook (co-author), 1 methodological manual, 10 subject programs, more than 80 scientific articles and theses.
On 06th of July, 2023 she was elected to the position of dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy of "Nakhchivan" University.


1.İbtidai sinif şagirdlərinin ideya inamının formalaşmasında Heydər Əliyev irsindən istifadə. Monoqrafiya. Naxçıvan, “Əcəmi” Nəşriyyat-Poliqrafiya Birliyi, 2019, 224 s.


1.Ailə pedaqogikası (həmmüəllif). Dərslik. Bakı: ADPU nəşriyyatı,  2016, 340 s.

Methodical funds

1.Ailədə tərbiyə üsullarının tətbiqi zamanı etnopedaqoji materiallardan istifadə imkanları. Metodik vəsait. Bakı: “Elm və təhsil”, 2014, 144 s.


  1. Azərbaycan xalq pedaqogikası. Bakalavr səviyyəsi üçü proqram. Naxçıvan Müəllimlər İnstitutu, Naxçıvan: Məktəb, 2016, 24 səh.
  2. Ailə pedaqogikası. Bakalavr səviyyəsi üçün proqram. Naxçıvan Müəllimlər İnstitutu. Naxçıvan: Məktəb, 2018, 16 səh.
  3. Müasir pedaqoji texnologiyalar. Bakalavr səviyyəsi üçün proqram. Naxçıvan Müəllimlər İnstitutu, Naxçıvan: Məktəb, 2018, 16 səh.
  4. İbtidai siniflərdə müstəqil işlərin təşkili. Magistratura səviyyəsi üçün proqram. Naxçıvan Müəllimlər İnstitutu, Naxçıvan: Məktəb, 2021, 20 səh.
  5. Yeni pedaqoji texnologiyalar. Magistratura səviyyəsi üçün proqram. Naxçıvan Müəllimlər İnstitutu, Naxçıvan: Məktəb, 2021, 22 səh.
  6. Ali məktəb pedaqogikası. Magistratura səviyyəsi üçün proqram. “Naxçıvan” Universiteti, Naxçıvan, 2021, 24 səh.
  7. Ailə pedaqogikası. Magistratura səviyyəsi üçün proqram. “Naxçıvan” Universiteti, Naxçıvan, 2021, 22 səh.
  8. Azərbaycan məktəb və pedaqoji fikir tarixi. Magistratura səviyyəsi üçün proqram. “Naxçıvan” Universiteti, Naxçıvan, 2022, 26 səh.
  9. Azərbaycanda pedaqoji elmin inkişafı. Magistratura səviyyəsi üçün proqram. “Naxçıvan” Universiteti, Naxçıvan, 2023, 22 səh.
  10. Müqayisəli pedaqogika. Magistratura səviyyəsi üçün proqram. “Naxçıvan” Universiteti, Naxçıvan, 2023, 24 səh.


Articles and theses:

  1. Features of family education in modern times. V Scientific Conference of Masters, Sumgayit, 2005, p. 414-415.
  2. Didactic content of moral education in folk pedagogy. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 3, Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers 2005, p. 94-97
  3. Use of Heydar Aliyev's heritage in the formation of students' ideological and political education. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 1, Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, 2006, p.96-98
  4. Instilling the legacy of Heydar Aliyev in primary classes with new teaching methods. H. Aliyev-83. Application of modern teaching methods and new pedagogical technology in the educational process. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, 2006, p. 54-56
  5. Heydar Aliyev is the founder of our national education. H. Aliyev-84. Application of modern teaching methods and new pedagogical technology in the educational process. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, 2007, p. 58-60
  6. The role of teachers in the use of Heydar Aliyev's heritage in the formation of ideological and political education of elementary school students. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 4, Nakhchivan, 2007, p. 19-23
  7. On the formation of idea education in primary school students. H. Aliyev -85. Application of modern teaching methods and new pedagogical technology in the educational process. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, May 2008, p. 27-29
  8. Using the legacy of the great leader as a means of educating students' ideas. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 1, Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, 2008, p. 14-17.
  9. Types of ethnopedagogical materials used in family education. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 4, 2008, p. 41-44
  10. Cultivation of ideas and confidence in class II using the legacy of Heydar Aliyev. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 2, 2009, p. 28-31.
  11. Heydar Aliyev's ideas as a necessary factor in the formation of national ideology in young schoolchildren. H. Aliyev-86. Application of modern teaching methods and new pedagogical technology in the educational process. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, 2009, p. 5-7.
  12. Application of new pedagogical and information technologies in teaching. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 2, 2010, p. 38-41
  13. The personality of Heydar Aliyev as an ideal of elementary school students. H. Aliyev-87. Application of modern teaching methods and new pedagogical technology in the educational process. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, 2010, p. 7-9
  14. Innovative education in primary classes as an important factor. "Actual problems of humanitarian and natural sciences Institute of Strategic Studies", Moscow, No. 8, 2010, p. 285-286
  15. On the formation of idea belief education of elementary school students by using the legacy of Heydar Aliyev in extracurricular activities. Azerbaijan Institute of Teachers, News scientific-methodical journal, No. 1, Baku, 2011, p. 51-54
  16. Education development strategy in the light of Heydar Aliyev's ideas. Institute of Educational Problems, Scientific works, No. 1, Baku, 2011, p. 43-48
  17. The role of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and secondary schools in the education of Heydar Aliyev museums in the belief in ideas. "News" magazine of the Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 2, 2011, p. 15-20
  18. Heydar Aliyev is the initiator of reforms in the education system thesis H.Aliyev-88. Application of modern teaching methods and new pedagogical technology in the educational process. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, May 6, 2011, p. 10-15
  19. The role of Heydar Aliyev's legacy in the formation of Azerbaijani ideas. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Educational Problems, NSU, NTI. Materials of the International scientific conference on "Pedagogical-psychological problems of improving the educational process", Nakhchivan, 2011, p. 62-66
  20. The personality of Heydar Aliyev as the peak of our political and moral history. H. Aliyev- 89. Application of modern training methods and new pedagogical technology in the training process. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, 2012, p. 8-10
  21. The content of educating schoolchildren's idea confidence in the example of Heydar Aliyev. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 4, 2012, p. 18-23
  22. 22. Об использовании активных методов обучения вначальных классах. «Педаго­ги­ческое образование в России» Уральский Государственный Педагогичесkий Университет, № 6, 2012, стр. 342-347
  23. The main directions of the work carried out on education of idea belief in the example of Heydar Aliyev in primary classes. Preschool and elementary education (scientific-methodical journal), 2014, No. 1 (206), p.74-79
  24. Lesson example of the subject "Wise leader" on the curriculum. Materials of the Republican conference held on the theme "Educational curricula: theoretical problems" in connection with the 90th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. 2014, p. 84-88
  25. The person who created history and his actions. Application of modern teaching methods and new pedagogical technology in the educational process. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, 2014, p. 35-37
  26. Formation of students' idea confidence during extracurricular activities with the example of Heydar Aliyev. Nakhchivan State University. Scientific works. Humanities series. 2014, No. 5 (61), p. 226-229
  27. The role of legal education in preparing young people for family life. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 2, 2014,p. 21-25
  28. Heydar Aliyev and national ideology issues in general education schools of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Nakhchivan State University. Nakhchivan AR-90. No. 6, Nakhchivan, 2014 (special issue), p. 161-163
  29. The role of the teacher in improving the quality of education. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Educational Problems, NSU, Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute. "Improving the teaching process and modern educational concepts". Nakhchivan, 2014, pp. 136-137
  30. The influence of family relationships on the formation of a child's personality. Scientific works of BSU, Language-literature series. No. 3, Baku, 2014. p. 303-305
  31. Issues of moral education in the works of Ilyas Efendiyev. Azerbaijan Institute of Teachers. Ilyas Efendiyev -100. No. 4, 2014 (special issue), p. 129-132
  32. Educational issues in the works of Muhammad Taghi Sidgi. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 4, 2014.p. 32-36
  33. Modernization of higher education is the need of the hour. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Educational Problems, NSU, Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute. "Education building priorities in Azerbaijan: modern approaches". Nakhchivan, June 5-6, 2015, p. 45-47
  34. The role of Nasireddin Tusi's pedagogical ideas in the formation of the theory of moral education. Nakhchivan State University. "The Great Genius of the East Nasiruddin Tusi". Nakhchivan: 2015. p. 106-110
  35. Preschool education and modern requirements for it. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers. "Educational curricula: practical applications" conference, April 24, 2015, p. 34-36
  36. The role of the Heydar Aliyev museum in the formation of patriotic feelings. Application of modern teaching methods and new pedagogical technology in the educational process. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, 2015, p. 14-19
  37. Description of attitude towards women and religious views in G. Said's work "Ali and Nino". Scientific works of Baku State University, Language and literature series. No. 1, Baku, 2015, p. 146-147
  38. Examples of folk pedagogy used in family education. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 1, 2015, p. 14-17
  39. Outstanding educator and scientist Aziz Sharif. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 2, 2015, p. 22-24
  40. The role of family events in the formation of moral qualities of children. Scientific works of Baku State University, Language and literature series. No. 1, Baku, 2016.
  41. Вопросы гендера и  култирализма  в произведении “Али и Нино”. Московский научный центр психологии и педагогики сборник научных публикаций, ХХХ международная научно-практическая конференция «Теоретические и практические исcледования психологии и педагогики». 30 января 2015 г. ст.6-9
  42. The role of textbooks in learning the legacy of Heydar Aliyev in primary classes. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers. H. Aliyev-93, 2016.
  43. 43. Роль инноваций обучения в учебном процессе. Мижнародный Гуманитарный Университет, «Першои мижнароднои мультидисциплинарной конференции», випуск 23, 15 май 2015, Одеса. С.116-120
  44. Formation possibilities of ideological–confidence upbringing of school children on the sample of geniuses. ЕВРАЗИЙСКИЙ СОЮЗ УЧЕНЫХ (ЕСУ), Ежемесячный научный журнал № 3(24) / 2016, ЧАСТЬ 2, г.Москва,
  45. The role of the family in moral education of children. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Educational Problems, NSU, Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute. "Education policy priorities in Azerbaijan: modern approaches". Nakhchivan, November 25, 2016, p. 84-85
  46. The role of the family in the formation of economic education. "News" magazine of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, No. 1, (13) 2017, p. 17-20
  47. The role of facilitation skills in the effective organization of an active lesson. Materials of the national conference on "Educational curricula: practical applications", April 19, 2017, p. p. 124-126
  48. The role of libraries in promoting Heydar Aliyev's ideas in primary classes. Scientific-practical conference on the application of modern teaching methods and new pedagogical technology in the educational process, H. Aliyev-94. Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, 2017, p. 21-24
  49. Possibilities of upbringing of families with small and large children. Nakhchivan State University. Scientific works. Humanities series. 2017.
  50. Competence and professionalism of the teacher in the formation of idea belief education. Institute of Educational Problems, Scientific works, No. 6, Baku, 2017.
  51. The role of the older members of the family in the upbringing of the child. News of Nakhchivan Teachers Institute. Nakhchivan: School, No. 1, 2018, p. 19-22
  52. Teaching to learn as the main criterion of active learning. Materials of the republican conference on "Educational curricula: practical applications". Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, April 24, 2018, p. 114-117
  53. Possibilities of upbringing of families with small and large children. Scientific works of Nakhchivan State University. Humanities series. No. 1, volume II, Nakhchivan, 2018, p. 7-10
  54. Heydar Aliyev's recommendations on the formation of content directions of our national ideology. Materials of the scientific-practical conference dedicated to the topic "Modern training methods and application of new pedagogical technology in the educational process". Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, Nakhchivan: 2018, p. 11-14
  55. Ways of forming children's habits of using information and communication technologies. Scientific works of the Institute of Education, Baku, No. 5, 2018, p. 235-238
  56. On the possibilities of using ethnopedagogical materials in the application of mother tongue curricula in primary classes. Ministry of Education of Nakhchivan AR, Nakhchivan State University, Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute. Materials of the national conference held on "Educational curricula: practical applications". 2019, p145-149.
  57. Moral education issues in Mikayil Mushfiq's work. Baku Science Education Center. Scientific-theoretical-methodical magazine on pedagogy, psychological sciences. 2019, No. 2, p. 161-168
  58. Forming a feeling of love for state attributes in elementary school students on the example of Heydar Aliyev. Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, "News". 2019, No. 1, (55) p. 40-44
  59. The importance of forming research ability in schoolchildren. Nakhchivan Ministry of Education, Nakhchivan State University, Nakhchivan Teachers Institute. Online republican scientific-practical conference on "Curriculum reforms in general education: results and perspectives-2020". May 21, 2020, Nakhchivan. etc. 255-257.
  60. The role of self-improvement in personality development. Scientific works of Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, Nakhchivan, 2020, No. 3 (61), p. 26-31.
  61. Forming the mental activity of students as the main task of developmental training. Scientific works of "Nakhchivan" University. Nakhchivan, 2020, No. 3 (18), p. 209-215.
  62. Carpet weaving is the most valuable type of aesthetic heritage. "Nakhchivan" University. "Nakhchivan: A place where cultures meet", Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. October 22-23, 2020. Nakhchivan, 2021, "Ajami" NPB, pp. 177-180.
  63. Problems of ensuring the developmental function of modern lessons and their solutions. Scientific works of "Nakhchivan" University. Nakhchivan, 2020, No. 4 (19), p. 217-222.
  64. Education of tolerance of higher school students. Scientific works of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, Nakhchivan, 2020, No. 4 (62), p. 76-82.
  65. Raising a patriotic generation as the main goal of modern education. Scientific works of Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, Nakhchivan, 2021, No. 2 (64)
  66. The role and importance of self-education in the formation of professional teachers. Scientific works of Nakhchivan Institute of Teachers, Nakhchivan, 2021, No. 3 (65)
  67. Special competencies of the modern primary school teacher. Nakhchivan Ministry of Education, Nakhchivan State University, Nakhchivan Teachers Institute. Republican scientific-practical conference on "Curriculum reforms in general education: results, realities and perspectives-2021". May 2021, Nakhchivan.
  68. The role of self-education in the preparation of future primary school teachers. (The role of self-education in the training of future primary school teachers). "Nizami Gencevi in the 880th year of his birth" 1st world culture, science and education Congress Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) / Folklore Institute, July 2-4, 2021
  69. Processes of modernization of pedagogical education in the context of curriculum implementation. "Nakhchivan" University, Scientific works, 2021, No. 4 (23) p. 250-260.
  70. Issues of preparation of future pedagogues at the master's level in higher schools operating in Nakhchivan AR. International conference on "International Silk Road". "Nakhchivan" University, November 26, 2022.
  71. The principle of modernity in pedagogical activity and its importance International. Conference Nakhchivan Teachers Institute, NSU, Azer. Res. Institute of Education, T-Tetwork "Development strategy of modern education: successes and challenges" Mr. Kon. material. P.506-508
  72. The role and importance of self-education in the formation of professional teachers. NMI, Scientific works. 2021, No. 3, p. 17-24.
  73. Modernization of the education system as a reason for increasing the professionalism of teaching staff. XIX International Scientific Symposium "EUROPE AND ASIA: MILLENNIUM NEIGHBORHOOD" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Kars, October 2021.
  74. State concern for the problem of competent teacher training. "Regional republican conference of master's and doctoral students". NSU, NTI, NU. Nakhchivan, April 29-30, 2022. p. 42-47.
  75. Factors affecting the development of professional competencies of primary school teachers. Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference on "State standards of general education and school experience". NTI. Nakhchivan, May 20, 2022. pp. 56-62.
  76. Самообразование как необходимое условие в совершенствовании современного учителя. Aктуальные научные исследования в современном мире. Выпуск 11(79), Часть 6, Ноябрь 2021 г. журнал, Переяслав 2021, c. 99-108.
  77. Развитие магистерского образования в Азербайджане в процессе интеграции в Европейское высшее образовательное пространство. file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/NJD_102.pdf.. Norvec journal 2023.
  78. Place and role of master's education in continuous pedagogical education system. Materials of the international scientific conference on "Actual issues of teacher training at the modern stage: successes and challenges". Part I (essay-based articles). NTI. Scientific works. "School", 2022, No. 4 (70), p. 52-59.
  79. Ways of instilling patriotism in young schoolchildren on the example of Heydar Aliyev. "Nakhchivan" University. Scientific works. 2022, No. 4 (70), p. 245-250.
  80. On the establishment of the concept of "professional competences" in the pedagogical literature. 2023/4/ Scientific works of the Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 2023, No. 2 (90). etc. 38-45
  81. Competencies that are necessary to be formed in the field of organizational-administrative in future teachers at the master's level. Azerbaijan Science Center. 2023, No. 4 (17), p. 14-20. SCIENTIFIC WORK International scientific journal. Impact Factor: 2.255.
  82. Formation of research competencies in teachers-undergraduates. Qazaxıstanın A.Baytırsınova adına Kostanay Dövlət Universiteti. "3i: intellect, idea, innovation", 2023, № 1 (1), s.238-242
  83. Development of master's education in Azerbaijan in the process of integration into the European higher education fields. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. Norway. 2023, № 102 (102), s. 30-35

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